Asteri Yfantis
HOME WORLD: Dynamis, Seraph
AGE: 28
RACE/CLAN: Au Ra/ Raen
SEXUALITY & GENDER: Pansexual Cis-Gender Female
RP TYPES: Looking for short or long-term partners for casual/slice of life, adventure, or ERP
RP STYLE: Third-Person Paragraphs♥Please note that irl, I am happily monogamous and not looking for anything more than friendship out of character. Yes, my boyfriend is aware, he RPs too! ♥

Asteri Yfantis

PERSONALITY: Quiet and stern at first, Asteri is a sassy trickster when you get to know her. She is also incredibly protective of those close to her and will fight her hardest to protect what she holds dear.
LIKES: glamour, housing, crafting & gathering, relaxing with friends, and helping others
DISLIKES: difficult battles, chocobo racing, mahjong, and negative/antagonistic people
OCCUPATIONS: Freelance handy-woman and Innkeeper
BIOGRAPHY: Originally from Thavnair, Asteri arrived with her mother and grandparents in Gridania around age seven. Though she adores her family, they were incredibly protective so she decided to move away from home and follow her passions to work as a travelling craftswoman at the age of seventeen. It's been over ten years since she began her journey and while she continues to work as a travelling craftswoman, she also works at an inn nearby her Empyreum home.
Crafting & Gathering Services
GATHERING SERVICE: Need something gathered but can't, or simply don't want to do it yourself? I am happy to do it for you at no cost!!!
-I will NOT gather shards, crystals, or clusters.
-I have the ability to gather ALL timed nodes!!!
-For large orders, please arrange a date and time for delivery or add me on discord for easier communication.
CRAFTING SERVICE: Need something made but can't, or simply don't want to do it yourself? I'm happy to do the work for you at no cost!
-For crafts needing rare/expensive materials, such as ones obtained from maps or submarines, you are required to provide said materials for the craft.
-For crafts needing materials acquired via causality tomes, you are required to provide said materials for the craft.
-For large orders, please arrange a date and time for delivery or add me on discord for easier communication.